Census Results 2011 compared to pre-census national statistics (Destatis): Flensburg |
| Census | Destatis |
Difference absolute | Difference in % |
Populations & Demography |
Population, total | 82,258 | 89,357 | -7,099 | -7.9 |
Males | 40,660 | | | |
Females | 41,590 | | | |
German Nationality | 77,140 | | | |
Foreign Nationality | 5,120 | | | |
Age under 18 | 12,150 | 13,426 | -1,276 | -9.5 |
Age 18-29 | 15,640 | 16,808 | -1,168 | -6.9 |
Age 30-49 | 22,130 | 24,442 | -2,312 | -9.5 |
Age 50-64 | 15,560 | 17,084 | -1,524 | -8.9 |
Age 65 and above | 16,770 | 17,597 | -827 | -4.7 |
Buildings with Residential Space |
Buildings, total number | 16,870 | | | |
Residential Buildings, excluding residential establishments (Wohnheime) | 16,307 | 16,334 | -27 | -0.2 |
Other Buildings with residential space | 522 | | | |
Residential Establishments (Wohnheime) | 38 | | | |
other occupied spaces | 3 | | | |
Residential Buildings with mainly owner-occupied apartments | 1,187 | | | |
Share of Buildings with mainly o/o apartments | 7.3 | | | |
Share of Buildings, construction, pre 1919 | 13.3 | | | |
Share of Buildinsg, construction 1950-1996 | 30.5 | | | |
Share of Buildings, construction post 2000 | 12.7 | | | |
Residential Dwellings |
Total Number of Dwellings | 49,110 | 48,109 | 1,001 | 2.1 |
Number od Dwellings in Residential Buildings, excluding residential establishments (Wohnheime) | 47,221 | 46,826 | 395 | 0.8 |
Number of Dwellings in non-residential buildings | 1,340 | 1,283 | 57 | 4.4 |
Number of Dwellings in residential establishments (Wohnheime) | 546 | | | |
Number of Dwellings in unoccupied spaces | 3 | | | |
Number of Owner-Occupied Dwellings | 12,835 | | | |
Number of Rented Dwellings | 32,830 | | | |
Number of Vacant Dwellings | 1,305 | | | |
Share of owner-occupied dwellings | 28.1 | | | |
Share of vacant dwellings, vacancy rate | 2.8 | | | |
Avg living space per dwelling | 77.9 | 76.3 | 1.6 | 2.1 |
Avg number of rooms per dwelling | 3.8 | 3.9 | -0.1 | -2.6 |
Number of Dwellings in Buildings with mainly o/o apartments | 8,687 | | | |
Share of dwellings in buildings with mainly o/o apartments | 18.4 | | | |
Share of dwellings constructed pre 1919 | 21.7 | | | |
Share of dwellings constructed 1950-1969 | 33.8 | | | |
Share of dwellings constructed post 2000 | 6.7 | | | |
other types of buildings with residential space |
Family Homes, (detached, semi-detached or terraced houses) | 10,460 | 10,753 | -293 | -2.7 |
Share of Family-Homes | 64.1 | 65.8 | -1.7 | -2.6 |
Family-Home as Detached House | 5,442 | | | |
Share of Detached Houses | 33.4 | | | |
Residential Buildings, in municipal ownership or owned by public authorities | 7 | | | |
Share of Buildings of public and municipal ownership | 0.0 | | | |
Residential Buildings with District Heating | 14,908 | | | |
Share of Buildings with District Heating | 91.4 | | | |
Buildings with Stove Heating | 134 | | | |
Share of Buildings with Stove Heating | 0.8 | | | |
other types of residential dwellings |
Number of Dwellings in Buildings owned by public authorities | 47 | | | |
Share of Dellings in Buildings of public ownership | 0.1 | | | |
Number of Dellings with District Heating | 42,907 | | | |
Share of Dwellings with District Heating | 90.9 | | | |
Number of Dwellings with Stove Heating | 207 | | | |
Share of Dwellings with Stove Heating | 0.4 | | | |
Number of Dwellings without Bath and WC | 64 | | | |
Share of dwellings without Bath and WC | 0.1 | | | |