RIWIS Online - City Report Flensburg
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Market Sectors
  Nursing Care
 City Profile
 Stock & Completions
 by Yr of Completion
 Take-Up & Vacancy
 Rents & Yields
 GPI Total Return
 Map: Office Locations

  Historic Development
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 Planning Overview

 Gross Domestic Product
 Gross Value Added
 Employment (SVP)
 Office Employment
 ... by Industries
 Unemployment (all)
 Unemployment (dep.)
RIWIS Bürobeschäftigte

    Office Employment: Flensburg  
 201720182019202020212022Δ 17-22
Flensburg (total)18,90619,46119,70819,37719,13419,5233.3 %
thereof SVP-office employed15,26415,80415,99815,76515,57416,0525.2 %
   thereof by Occupation: Flensburg
   managerial occupations7 %7 %7 %7 %8 %8 % 
   administrative occupations36 %36 %35 %35 %35 %36 % 
   finance occupations3 %3 %3 %3 %3 %3 % 
   technical occupations19 %20 %20 %20 %19 %19 % 
   consulting services15 %15 %15 %15 %16 %16 % 
   merchants9 %9 %10 %10 %10 %9 % 
Schleswig-Holstein Nord (RO-Region)68,57869,57070,23469,56070,43271,3654.1 %
Schleswig-Holstein425,216430,769434,946432,073436,599441,1163.7 %
Germany14,568,85614,805,82514,979,19314,860,84014,988,68015,195,3134.3 %