| 2014-10-30 Forecast Update: Office Market The new office market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2014-09-20 Forecast Update: Retail Market The new retail market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2014-06-27 Scoring Update Now that the forecasts for office, retail and residential properties are published, we were able to update the RIWIS Scoring. New Scoring data is available from now on. |
| 2014-04-09 Forecast Update: Retail Market The new retail market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2013-12-10 Update 2013 We have added the new market data for 2013.
| 2013-09-27 Autumn Forecast Update: Retail Market The new retail market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2013-07-04 Scoring Update Now that the forecasts for office, retail and residential properties are published, we were able to update the RIWIS Scoring. New Scoring data is available from now on. |
| 2013-07-04 Household Forecast BBSR 2012 The household forecast published by BBSR in 2012 is now available in RIWIS Online. We have adjusted the household data to the population forecast published by the National Statistics Office. The previous version of households published by BBR in 2005 ist still accessible with the define own query function.
| 2013-04-30 Forecast Update: Office Market The new office market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2013-04-16 Forecast Update: Retail Market The new retail market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2013-04-02 Residental Market Forecast 2013
The new residential market forecast is available in RIWIS Online!
| 2012-12-10 Update 2012 We have added the data for the year 2012.
Unfortunately some data from the public, national statistics are still not updated, we are waiting to receive
- GDP, GVA, Employment and Income Data from the VGR (National Accounts). We are hoping for Q4/2012.
- and some population figures of Baden-Württemberg are still missing.
| 2012-10-15 Forecast Update: Office Market The new office market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2012-09-20 Autumn Forecast Update: Retail Market The new retail market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2012-06-06 Scoring Update In previous versions of our RIWIS Scoring the cities Bayreuth and Schweinfurt were not included as they were added later to the list of RIWIS Cities with market data. We have now added both cities to the Scoring. In addition to this we have changend two variables in the residential sector for the Future Perspective, instead of Terrace House and Family Homes, we use rents and prices for existing apartments. And the last change in this years Scoring is tha we have now identical point to score scales in each sector. |
| 2012-05-02 Forecast Update: Office Market The new office market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2012-04-26 RIWIS Regional: Office The module RIWIS Regional, which provides basic market data for all Kreise and at least one city in each Kreis, has now data and information on the office market sector. Besides average office rents you will find
information on the activity of local markets. |
| 2012-04-05 Forecast Update: Retail Market The new retail market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2012-03-24 Residental Market Forecast 2012
The new residential market forecast is available in RIWIS Online!
| 2012-03-15 Sub-Market Data 2011, Hamburg Residential Revision The data for our office and residential sub-markets for 2011 is now online. A major revision of the residential structures in Hamburg resulted partially in new sub-market definitions. Historic data is also provided for all new or changed sub-markets.
| 2011-12-10 Update 2011 We have added the data for the year 2011. And a few other changes included...
- Change Language on any page of RIWIS Online. Most of the pages of the RIWIS Online report now provide a switch language link, to keep the information currently shown, but change the language from German to English or vice versa.
- Top10 Investments and Lettings. For our RIWIS clinets with the Comps module, we have added a pafe to the online report showing Top10 Investment and Lettings Deals for a city.
| 2011-10-24 Forecast Update: Office Market The new office market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2011-09-30 Autumn Forecast Update: Retail Market The new retail market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2011-06-06 GPI - German Property Index 2011 The GPI German Property Index is now updated and available in RIWIS Online. |
| 2010-05-30 Scoring Update 2010 Now that the forecasts for office, retail and residential properties are published, we were able to update the Scoring. New Scoring data is available from now on.
| 2011-05-10 Forecast Update: Retail Market The new retail market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2011-04-27 Forecast Update: Office Market The new office market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2011-02-22 Residental Market Forecast 2011
The new residential market forecast is available in RIWIS Online!
| 2011-02-01 SVP employees and office employment data for 2009
Unfortunately the official statistics for employment has undergone a few changes in the methodology of groupings (WZ = Wirtschaftszweig, classification of economic activity) so that the numbers for 2009 are only in parts comparable to previous figures.
- Total numbers for SVP employees are comparable
- data according to WZ03 is available up to 2008
- data according to WZ08 is available from 2008, but the Bundesagentur might publish a revision later this year
- both data is available in RIWIS at "Define Own Query"
- BulwienGesa has calculated new data for office employment based on the new SVP data. So the office employment data in RIWIS now differs from previously published data in RIWIS, and might change again in case the Bundesagentur publishes revised WZ08 data in the future
- There is a German page at DESTATIS with more details on the WZ changes: Klassifikationen
| 2010-12-10 Update 2010 We have added the data for the year 2010.
- A few weeks ago we have added a new tool to the RIWIS Online Page, which
allows to find out in which functional area, e.g. office location or residential area an address is. Maybe you have already seen the Link in the main RIWIS
menu, "Find Location Type". You can have a look at it here: Find Location Type.
- Unfortunately the official statistics for employment has undergone a few changes in the methodology so that the numbers for 2009 are not comparable to previous figures. We will put the new data in RIWIS shortly, so that at least the data is also available, despite the methodical differences.
| 2010-10-15 Tool to Find Location Type
We have added a new Tool to the RIWIS Basis Module. It is now possible to query the location types of office and residential markets for addresses.
We provide the matching location type (city-centre, city-fringe, suburban, office agglomeration resp. below avarage, average, good, very good residential areas) and if available the name of the sub-market. In addition to this there are links which will instatntly show the relevant pages in the RIWIS Report.
Further additions and improvements will follow in future.
| 2010-10-14 Forecast Update: Office Market The new office market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients. The english language comments will follow within the next few weeks.
| 2010-07-23 New Data Source for Purchasing Power and Centrality
From now on there are new Purchasing Power and Centrality indices available in RIWIS online.
We have discontinued providing the data from GfK and have changed our source to MB-Research.
One reason for the new source is that this data can be used in time-series now. Purchasing Power
data is often based on estimations as real data is not yet available. MB-Research updates its
data as soon as the base data is published and available. Therefore the data might show slight
differences when the new update (April & August) is published.
The centrality index will be available in the next few days.
The data before 2005 is based on calculations by BulwienGesa, using the disposable income figures
from the National Accounts Group (www.vgrdl.de). Therefore this data is only a trend indication as
the methodology of the two source differ.
| 2010-06-14 New Design
In order to better match the BulwienGesa website design www.riwis.de was redesigned slightly.
| 2010-05-14 Forecast Update 2010: Office, Retail and Residential Submarkets
The new market forecasts are now available online for our forecast clients.
| 2009-12-14 Update 2009 When we added the new data for 2009 on December, 10th we realized that is is the 20th data point.
Time to think about further additions for the coming year, and time to note something on the additions of this year.
- In Q3 we added maps showing average drive time radius, these maps can be found in the Retail section.
- For the 7 A-Market we are publishing quarterly data, and this is now also available in RIWIS Online, if the Quarterly Data Module is part of your subscription. The same is true for the GPI (Total Return) Module.
- Unfortunately some statistics for employment is not yet available for the new districts (Kreise) in Saxony-Anhalt. As long as this data is unavailable the standard reports are for the old districts still. Hopefully we can change this very soon.
| 2009-07-15 Data for new districts (Kreise) Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony The "Define own Query" functions now provides a possibility to download current and historic data for the new disticts in Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony. At the moment we are still awaiting employment data from the Bundesagentur, so only population and building activity data is available. For further information on the Kreisreform please go to the About the Data page.
| 2009-06-18 Scoring Update 2009 Now that the forecasts for
retail and residential properties are published, we were able to update the Scoring. New Scoring data is available from now on.
| 2008-04-21 Forecast Update 2009: Office Market
The new office market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients. Further details on the main scenario, its alternative prime rent and the downside scenario can be found in the abstract pdf (in German).
| 2009-04-21 Revision Market Type
Cities and markets naturally change during time, apart form population also economical situations change, some cities lose and some cities win, or the importance and regional context is shifting.
In order to be in line with current strucures we have revised our A-, B-, C- and D- Market categories.
A list of the cities which were either promoted or relegated can be found here, a complete list of all 125 cities is here.
- promoted:
- from C to B:
- Bochum
- Karlsruhe
- Mannheim
- Münster
- from D to C:
- Darmstadt
- Erlangen
- Mülheim (Ruhr)
- Osnabrück
- Regensburg
- Rostock
- relegated:
- from B to C:
- Erfurt
- Magdeburg
- Mainz
- from C to D:
- Chemnitz
- Halle (Saale)
| 2008-12-10 Update 2008
we have updated our Online Database with the 2008 market data. In addition to this most of the official statistics are updated as well.
- Please note is that there was an administrative reform in Saxony-Anhalt, new districts (Kreise) were created, so timeseries of administrative statistics are not yet available.
- we have now both unemployment rates published by the Bundesagentur in RIWIS, % of dependent employees and % of all employed persons
- you can find maps for a number of cities, showing residential areas by quality, more to follow
| 2008-04-17 Forecast Update 2008: Office Market The new office market forecast is now available online for our forecast clients. The German language reports will be sent by email in the next few days.
| 2008-02-01 Forecast Update 2008: Residential The new residential forecast is available online now.
| 2007-12-10 Update 2007 we have updated our Online Database with the 2007 market data.
In addition to this most of the official statistics are updated as well, but here data is mainly for 2006 only.
We have added some new information as well as some new features and hope we are able to make RIWIS even better in the near future.
- additional information on market activity & vacancy for the residential sector
- visualisation of retail parks on maps within the report
- more new feature will follow soon ...
| 2007-04-10 Forecats 2007 New versions of our office market forecast as well as a new residential forecast are now available online.
| 2006-12-10 Update 2006 Apart from updating the data in RIWIS with the 2006 data for market issues and most of the 2005 data of the official statistics data, we have added new information as well.
- data from the official nursing care statistic, and in future object information on nursing homes
- retail stock and turnover information for selected cities, remaining cities are to be included in 2007
- additional information on market activity for retail locations
- visualisation of shopping centres on maps within the report
| 2006-06-21 Revision National Accounts 2005 We have now uploaded the new data for national accounts, as the VGR has changed some data definitions there are differences compared to the data found in RIWIS in the past. For more Details on the Revision and Definition please refer to the "About Data" section in RIWIS. (GDP, GVA, Employees)
| 2005-12-12 Update 2005 Apart from updateing the data in RIWIS with the 2005 data for market issues and most of the 2004 data of the official statistics data, we have added new information as well.
- employment figures by industries: a different but more adequate splitting of employment numbers (socially secured & office employment)
- cartographic information on office submarkets showing city, city-fringe and important office locations within the RIWIS cities.
- cartographic information on the catchment area for the 125 RIWIS cities
- information on market activity for the retail and industral sectors.
| 2004-08-30 English Version Due to increasing demand we finished our english version of RIWIS |