Definition: Primary Income of private households (including private non-profit institutions) consists of earned and unearned income of domestic households. This income comprises income of self-employment, including compensation for family-workers, income based on profits from service production, owner-occupied property, salaries and wages as well as income on investments. Disposable Income of private households is calculated by adding monetary social benefits (mainly paid through the state) to the primary income, but subtracting taxes and social contributions (paid by private households). The disposable income of private households is therefore the income utilised for consumer spending or savings. Revision 2011 (WZ08) With each review previously published data can't be compared to current publications, the most up-to-date series starts in 2000. Older data is only available from 1995 to 2009. The biggest change in the data of Revision 2011 ist that of the classification of economic activity (=Wirtschaftszweig =WZ). In addition to the new WZ groups further statistics on income, personnel costs and wages were taken into account, also a revision of basic employment figuers induces changes in income figures. For further details in German please go to Data: annual sum Source: Arbeitskreis Volkswrtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen der Länder National Accounts |