RIWIS Online - About the Data - Definitions and Additional Information
RIWIS Online
 City Selection

 in German

Definitions A-Z
 General Definitions

 Admin. Reform
   Western Pomerania

 Building Activity, Com.
 Building Activity, Res.
 Commercial Rents
 Completion Resi Type
 Family Homes
 Gross Domestic Product
 Gross Value Added
 Households (BBR 2005)
 Households (BBSR 2012)
 Multiplex Cinemas
 o/o Apartments
 Office Employment
 Office Rents
 Office Space
 Population Change
 Population Forecast
 Purchasing Power
 Registered Transactions
 Residential Rents
 Residential Stock
 Retail Rents
 Shopping Centre
 SVP Employment
 Terrace Houses

Office Space

Office Stock
Generally there are two commonly used values for office floor space stock.Gross Office Floor Space is defined as the total stock based on BGF (Brutto-Grundfläche), and is calculated by bulwiengesa AG based on office employees and annual completions.
Net Office Floor Space (RA-C, gif) is only comprising net floor space, additionally to completions the calculation is considering annual demolition rates. The Net Office Floor Space is also based on a more detailed estimation of office employment (based on Dobberstein).

For ca. 25 cities recent data for the volume of completed floor space is based on primary research by bulwiengesa AG and is defined as net floor space.
For all other years and cities the officially registered completed floor space is taken, sometimes complemented with estimations, as the official statistics office isn't allowed to publish small numbers due to privacy reasons.

For the following 7 cities bulwiengesa AG has published own completion volumes:

  • Munich since 1998
  • Frankfurt (Main) since 1999
  • Stuttgart since 2000
  • Berlin since 2001
  • Düsseldorf since 2001
  • Hamburg since 2001
  • Cologne since 2001
For the remaining 18 cities (B-Cities), where bulwiengesa is publishing completions, the time-series starts in 2001.

The Vacancy Rate is the percentage of vacant office space based on total office stock, at the end of each year.
The Vacancy is defined as vacant office space at the end of each year, only considering marketable floor space, therefore not included is 'structural' vacancy.

The Take-Up is an annual sum, considering mainly lettings but also including tenant induced project developments (owner occupation).

Differences between the data published in RIWIS and the data published by gif e.V. might occur. Intensive research by bulwiengesa AG and a different compositions of sources may result in different values, but generally both data is within the same market level.

average annual level, resp. annual sum

The Office Market Data is based on empirical research and data collection performed by bulwiengesa AG.
In order to acquire the relevant base of information numerous real estate agents, banks, building associations, local economic development agencies and other semi-public and public organisations (IHK, Gutachterausschuss, ...) are interviewed. Additionally various press-releases and publications concerning the property market are analysed and taken into account.Based on this information and on the knowledge of bulwiengesa AG each value will be checked on plausibility and finally results in the value published in RIWIS.