RIWIS Online: Flensburg


Indicator Profile: Flensburg

Scoring Result Residential: 2b

Current Situation (2020): 4

Current Situation (2020): 4
Ø-Rent New Apts
Ø-Price new o/o Apts
Ø-Price new Terrace Houses
Ø-Price new Family-Home
site for Family-Home, good location
Ø-Rent pre-let Apts
Ø-Price existing o/o Apts
Ø-Price existing Terrace Houses
yield: rents vs. price o/o apts (new)
yield: rents vs. price o/o apts (existing)
Net Migration, last 2 yrs
Purchasing Power Index
Unemployment Rate
Life-Quality Index: Environment
Life-Quality Index: Safety
Life-Quality Index: Infrastructure
Percentage of pop aged 65 and over


© bulwiengesa AG; RIWIS 2024